Professional & Business Services


Do You Have Natural Confidence?
Do you have Initiative & Dependability?
Are You Organized and Disciplined?


Anybody can be a professional! That's right! With Business and Professional Services being one of the highest paid industries in Tampa, there are lots of opportunities for you to expand your professional skills and experience! This industry includes public services like education, as well as private sector jobs in finance, insurance, or even at one of our major universities! So how about a chance to turn that natural confidence, initiative and dependability (and that LOVE 💖 for video games!) into a professional skill building career journey? You've made the right stop! Let's explore...


Did you know?


Business and professional services are the highest-paid careers in Tampa Bay. Not only that, in 2021 there were over 20,000 job postings from major companies like Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase. However, there is room for more than just bankers and accountants!



Social Media Specialist

Legal Services

Digital Marketing

Graphic Designer


Game Designer

Customer Support

Insurance Agent

Examples of
Business & Professional
Services Jobs:

School Administrator

Data Scientist


Project Manager

Real Estate Agent

Sales Manager

Human Resources

Records Clerk


Education Requirements

  • 20% Require HS Diploma 
  • 43% Require Bachelor's Degree
  • Some require specialized skills such as auditing
Light bulb with graduation cap

How much will I get paid?

The median advertised salary for business and professional services in Tampa is $54,000 per year as of 2022. A median salary lets us know that sometimes -- based upon experience or position -- various jobs may offer more or less. More experience and education along this career path could lead to higher compensation; most positions advertised in this industry make nearly DOUBLE the median salary!

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