City of Tampa Style Guide

Accordion Single 2.2

Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

A simple accordion example with configurable icon indicator. Icon options by default are +/- other options are .hide-icon, .lock-icon, and .chevron-icon. This example is different from the accordion group because these are individual non-related accordion examples.

When to use: If users will not likely need the hidden content and the hidden content does not contain important information OR you purposely want to hide content behind a user interaction such as a click on a button.

When not to: If its important the hidden content is discoverable, find another means to display your information.

Notes: Content hidden in accordions hurts SEO, is not indexed by search engines and is hidden from assistive technologies by default.

Dev Notes: Styles are attached to the aria tags instead of classes to ensure accessibility standards are implemented.

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Source: src/scss/base/_components.scss, line 74