City of Tampa Style Guide

Address 3.1

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Parks or facility or any locations type data. Use buttons or hyperlinks inside the card to link to detail pages if needed.

When to use: Some guidence on when to use.

When not to: Some guidence on when it is not the best choice.

Notes: Any futher info that is useful.

Al Lopez Park
4810 N Himes Ave.
Tampa, FL 33614
Sunrise to sunset
Source: src/scss/base/_components.scss, line 823

Buttons 3.2

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Buttons are visual controls for primary actions a users should engage with on the page. Use colors to draw attention to primary buttons and outlined buttons for secondary actions.

When to use: To identify the main controls you expect the users to need and make them buttons for a user to easily identify them.

When not to: Don't overuse buttons, they should be for primary actions, less important controls can be simple text hyperlinks.

Notes: When to use a button or link?

  • Does the Control Take Me to Another Page? Use a Link/Anchor
  • Does the Control Change Something on the Current Page? Use a Button

Link that looks like a button
Source: src/scss/base/_buttons.scss, line 1

Callout 3.3

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Callout are used to emphasize some small piece of content from the surround text. Its usually best to keep this to just emphasize text.

When to use: When you need a small portion of text to stand out, but not extremely stand out.

When not to: When you really need content to standout a card or alert is more visually powerful.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Source: src/scss/base/_typography.scss, line 223
Placeholder Image
A caption for the above image.
Source: src/scss/base/_page.scss, line 17

Images 3.5

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Images in Bootstrap are made responsive with .img-fluid so that it scales with the parent element.

When not to: For images with captions, use a <figure> instead.

Notes: Details at Bootstrap Docs

Responsive image image thumbnail
Source: src/scss/base/_page.scss, line 1

Printing 3.6

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Change the display value of elements when printing with our print display utility classes. Includes support for the same display values as our responsive .d-* utilities.

When to use: When decorative items do no need printed

When not to: Careful to to hide important informaiton.

Notes: Bootstrap Print Docs.

Screen Only (Hide on print only)
Print Only (Hide on screen only)
Hide up to large on screen, but always show on print
Source: src/scss/base/_print.scss, line 270

Steps 3.7

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Use to style a set of steps or linear ordered process.

When to use: If you need to outline a fixed stepped process.

When not to:


  1. Print out application
  2. Gather support documents and scan them into system.
  3. Be sure to follow these guides
    • Step one
    • Step Two
    • Step Three
  4. Submit the application
Source: src/scss/base/_components.scss, line 359

Tables 3.8

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A table shows tabular data in columns and rows. Any <table>, then extend with custom styles or our various included modifier classes.

When to use: Tabular data. When you need tabular information, such as statistical data.

When not to: Non-tabular data. Depending on the type of content, consider using other presentation formats such as definition lists or hierarchical lists.

Notes: Details at Bootstrap Table Docs

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
Source: src/scss/base/_tables.scss, line 1