City of Tampa Style Guide

Custom Icons 8.2

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Custom and commonly used icons that use the icon font strategy, if you need more icons load up the pro kit <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> which is javascript based and gives you full access to the 7k icon library. Example usage in CSS .field__item::before { font-family: "fontello"; content: '\e804'; }

When to use: Some guidance on when to use this component.

When not to: Some guidance on when it is not the best choice.

Notes: This is a limited set of icons included with the base theme, for all icons use FontAwesome Pro Kit.

icon-down-open \e800
icon-left-open \e801
icon-right-open \e802
icon-up-open \e803
icon-calendar-1 \e804
icon-print \e805
icon-export \e806
icon-plus \e807
icon-minus \e808
icon-lock \e809
icon-lock-open \e80a
icon-check \e80b
icon-ok-circled \e80c
icon-phone \e80d
icon-clock \e80e
icon-block \e80f
icon-thumbs-up \e810
icon-thumbs-down \e811
icon-video \e812
icon-help-circled \e813
icon-alert_tampa_logo \e900
icon-accessible \e901
icon-alert-tampa-logo \e902
icon-arrow-left \e903
icon-arrow-right \e904
icon-calendar \e905
icon-city-seal \e906
icon-compass \e907
icon-info \e908
icon-logo \e90b
icon-map \e90c
icon-marker \e90d
icon-payment-add \e90e
icon-permit \e90f
icon-speech-bubble \e910
icon-way-sign \e911
icon-check-empty \f096
icon-twitter \f099
icon-menu \f0c9
icon-doc-text \f0f6
icon-at \f1fa
icon-universal-access \f29a
icon-facebook-squared \f308
Source: src/scss/fontello/fontello-src.scss, line 1