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ADA Accessibility at the Tampa Convention Center

The Tampa Convention Center is dedicated to upholding the accessibility standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Below you can find important accessibility information for our facility.


Designated disabled parking can be found in the following locations:

  • Tampa Convention Center Front Drive (circular drive in front of Channel Entrance): 2 spaces
  • Tampa Convention Center Garage: 12 spaces on 2nd level with ramp leading to exterior sidewalk (directly across from Channel Entrance)
  • Selmon Expressway Bill Charger Parking Lot: at least 1 space
  • Selmon Expressway (2) parking lot: at least 1 space
  • Other Downtown on-street spaces and garages City of Tampa Downtown disabled parking

Entrance closest to Elevators to all upper levels

Entrance Closest to Elevators
Entrance closest to the elevators

The Front Drive has a ramp with rails that leads through automatic glass doors that take you into the first level of the Convention Center. This is the Channel Entrance. There are also escalators on either side of this entrance that take you to the 2nd floor (Registration Level).

Another ramp to the left of the Channel Entrance leads onto the Tampa Riverwalk and on the opposite side of the circle is a ramp to The Sail Plaza bar and Big Ray's Fish Camp restaurant.

Elevators are inside on the 1st floor just beyond the café.

These elevators can also be accessed from the Franklin Street entrance by going down the Ballroom corridor. A secondary elevator is located inside the Administrative Entrance, just outside of the Franklin Street Entrance. There is also an inside escalator from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor (Registration Level).


TCC EscalatorsAt the Tampa Convention Center, we strive to reduce accessibility barriers as visitors move within the four floors of our facility. For this reason, escalators are located throughout our venue, including on the outside near our Channel Entrance.

Scooter Rentals 

Licensee is welcome to provide scooters/wheelchairs for guests.  TCC does not have scooters or wheelchairs available for event use.


All bathrooms are ADA accessible.

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