Ground Breaking for Utilities Project

Financial Resolutions Amending Budget

Florida Statute 166.241(9) requires that financial resolutions that amend the budget of the City of Tampa shall be posted online for two years from their date of adoption.

Provided below are copies of all financial resolutions that amend the budget as they are presented to council, organized by their date of adoption and labelled with their adopted resolution number.

For executed copies (with resolution number and executing signatures), please locate the resolution number you are seeking in the City Clerk’s repository of executed resolutions.

(greater than)
Date of Adoption Amount Details
$24,080.00 File No. PS21-71640 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-963

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $24,080 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the replacement of a video training simulator; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Citro-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.

$190,000.00 File No. PS21-71813 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $190,000 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the FY2022 FDOT Project Safe Travels- Speed Reduction for Safer Roadways Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Citro-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.

$25,000.00 File No. T21-71430 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 64…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $25,000 within the Local Option Gas Tax Capital Projects Fund for the Roadway Signage FY2018 – FY2022 project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.

$88,000.00 File No. PS21-71295 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $88,000 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department from the FY2022 Interlocal Agreement with Hillsborough County for Distribution of Enhanced 9-1-1 Fee Revenues; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$194,000.00 File No. PS21-71341 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $194,000 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the FY2022 FDOT Safe Motorcycle and Rider Techniques Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$7,561,231.00 File No. F21-71383 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-930

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $7,561,231 within the Water Bonds – Series 2020 Capital Projects Fund for various Water capital improvement projects; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$275,000.00 File No. T21-71377 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-957

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $275,000 for use by the Mobility Department within the Parking - Operations Fund for year-end operating expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$4,800.00 File No. PS21-71282 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $4,800 within the Public Safety Contributions & Donations Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue from the Marathon Petroleum Foundation; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$136,164.00 File No. PS21-71417 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 2…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $136,164 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the FY2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$29,303.00 File No. BZP21-71347 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-952

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $29,303 within the Central Park, Channel District, Downtown Core, Downtown Non Core, Drew Park, East Tampa, West Tampa, Tampa Heights Riverfront, Ybor I and Ybor II Community Development Agency (CRA) Funds for urban redevelopment expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$1,348,917.00 File No. T21-71465 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 89…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,348,917 for the Channel District Improvements - CM at Risk GMP-3 Project within the Channel District Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Dingfelder-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote. 

$20,000.00 File No. PS21-71281 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-901

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $20,000 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for boat dock repairs; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$117,500.00 File No. PS21-71339 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $117,500 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the Project Safe Neighborhoods – Middle District of Florida Program Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$114,000.00 File No. PW21-71439 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 3…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $114,000 for the Citywide Composting Pilot Program Grant for use by Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management Department within the Solid Waste Operations Fund and Solid Waste Grants Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Dingfelder-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

Memorandum from Councilmember Dingfelder, requesting that said agenda item be pulled for discussion under Staff Reports/Unfinished Business. 

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Citro being absent at vote.

$437,386.00 File No. BZP21-71457 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-954

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $437,386 from Development and Economic Opportunity Department to the Community Redevelopment Department within the General Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$274,999.99 File No. T21-71377 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-957

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $275,000 for use by the Mobility Department within the Parking - Operations Fund for year-end operating expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$4,800.00 File No. PS21-71282 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $4,800 within the Public Safety Contributions & Donations Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue from the Marathon Petroleum Foundation; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$136,164.00 File No. PS21-71417 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 2…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $136,164 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the FY2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$29,303.00 File No. BZP21-71347 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-952

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $29,303 within the Central Park, Channel District, Downtown Core, Downtown Non Core, Drew Park, East Tampa, West Tampa, Tampa Heights Riverfront, Ybor I and Ybor II Community Development Agency (CRA) Funds for urban redevelopment expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$1,348,917.00 File No. T21-71465 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 89…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,348,917 for the Channel District Improvements - CM at Risk GMP-3 Project within the Channel District Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Dingfelder-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote. 

$20,000.00 File No. PS21-71281 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-901

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $20,000 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for boat dock repairs; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$117,500.00 File No. PS21-71339 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $117,500 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the Project Safe Neighborhoods – Middle District of Florida Program Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

$114,000.00 File No. PW21-71439 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 3…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $114,000 for the Citywide Composting Pilot Program Grant for use by Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management Department within the Solid Waste Operations Fund and Solid Waste Grants Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Dingfelder-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.

Memorandum from Councilmember Dingfelder, requesting that said agenda item be pulled for discussion under Staff Reports/Unfinished Business. 

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Citro being absent at vote.

$437,386.00 File No. BZP21-71457 – RESOLUTION NO. 2021-954

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $437,386 from Development and Economic Opportunity Department to the Community Redevelopment Department within the General Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution and accepts the substitute agreement. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Citro being absent at vote.

$88,000.00 File No. PS21-71295 - (Part 2 of 2) - (See Item 1…

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $88,000 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department from the FY2022 Interlocal Agreement with Hillsborough County for Distribution of Enhanced 9-1-1 Fee Revenues; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 5-0 with Viera and Citro being absent at vote.