Advisory groups play an essential role in city government. Advisory group members consist of Mayoral and City Council appointees, elected officials, or Governor appointees. Each group is established to secure the participation of City of Tampa residents to promote good government, and the effective and efficient delivery of services.
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) shall serve as the advisory review board to periodically evaluate established policies, procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and the local government comprehensive plan, and reports its finding to the Mayor and City Council with recommended changes.
Architectural Review Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission's mission is to recommend designations, conservation districts, and historic districts. The HPC is eager to access Tampa's historic resources and has incorporated into its work plan the goal to systematically survey and hopefully, protect previously unsurveyed areas of the city.
Barrio Latino Commission
The Barrio Latino Commission has the responsibility of preserving the historic fabric of the District and maintaining its architectural integrity. The Ybor City Historic District has many character-defining features: pedestrian scale, mixed-use main streets, as well as its unique structures such as the Social Clubs and Cigar Factory buildings. The Barrio Latino Commission balances the historic past with the growth of the present prosperity.
Citizen Review Board
The Citizen Review Board was formed to enhance trust between the Tampa Police Department and the community it serves by creating an unbiased panel of citizens to review completed disciplinary cases and issues of importance or interest to the community and the Police Department. The Review Board will report its findings to the Chief of Police and, when appropriate, may make recommendations for possible policy changes.
Code Enforcement/Public Nuisance Abatement Board
Appointed members hear cases concerning code violations when they meet as the Code Enforcement Board. The same appointed members also serve as the Public Nuisance Abatement Board and hears cases concerning typically criminal in nature public nuisance conduct occurring at qualifying places or properties.
Historic Preservation Board
The Historic Preservation Commission's mission is to recommend designations, conservation districts, and historic districts. The HPC is eager to access Tampa's historic resources and has incorporated into its work plan the goal to systematically survey and hopefully, protect previously un-surveyed areas of the city.
Mayor's African American Advisory Council
The Mayor's African American Advisory Council was formed to create a liaison between the Mayor's Office and the African American community. The Council recommends programs and activities which promote good relations among all citizens throughout the City.
Mayor's Hispanic Advisory Council
The City of Tampa Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Council is a group of Hispanic citizens, appointed by the Mayor, and serves as a liaison between the City government and the Hispanic community.
Public Art Committee
The mission of the Tampa Public Art Program is to promote the involvement of artists in projects throughout the City that enhance the physical environment and celebrate Tampa's unique character and identity.
Variance Review Board
VRB is able to grant variances to portions of Chapter 13 (Tree and Landscape), Chapter 20.5 (Signs), and Chapter 27 (Zoning). The VRB also hears appeals from decisions rendered by the administrator of the aforementioned chapters.