Surprisingly Savannah Mobile Tour in Tampa | 2025-05-04T19:00:00-0400 | 2025-05-04T13:00:00-0400 | /node/165516 | |
Surprisingly Savannah Mobile Tour in Tampa | 2025-05-03T19:00:00-0400 | 2025-05-03T13:00:00-0400 | /node/165506 | |
Surprisingly Savannah Mobile Tour in Tampa | 2025-05-02T19:00:00-0400 | 2025-05-02T13:00:00-0400 | /node/165496 | |
14th Annual Cuban Sandwich Festival | 2025-03-30T18:00:00-0400 | 2025-03-30T12:00:00-0400 | /node/165491 | |
Free Homebuyers Workshop | 2025-04-05T16:00:00-0400 | 2025-04-05T08:30:00-0400 | /node/165451 | |
Sip, Smile, and Support for Autism hosted by Tampa Police | 2025-04-08T14:00:00-0400 | 2025-04-08T10:00:00-0400 | /node/165381 | |
Tampa City Council - Regular Agenda | 2025-03-27T09:00:00-0400 | 2025-03-27T09:00:00-0400 | /node/165356 | , |
Notice Of Negotiations | 2025-04-01T11:00:00-0400 | 2025-04-01T09:00:00-0400 | /node/165346 | |
SCORING MEETING Portion of City Owned property in Tract 7 in Encore for use as a Day Care Playground | 2025-04-29T09:00:00-0400 | 2025-04-29T09:00:00-0400 | /node/165341 | |
2nd Scoring Evaluation Committee Meeting – Citywide GPS Vehicle Tracking & Telematic Devices | 2025-04-11T10:30:00-0400 | 2025-04-11T10:30:00-0400 | /node/165336 |
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