Tampa Convention Center
333 S Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602
United States
The American Legion conducts its annual National Convention in the summer, typically prior to the Labor Day holiday. By authority of our governing body our National Convention must be conducted August 15 - September 15 annually, using a Friday through Thursday set of days. We will consider any set of dates within the aforementioned days, as long as our convention concludes prior to Labor Day. Approximately 9,000 attendees to the National Convention gather to help further their cause to patriotism and support of our service men and women, past and present. Convention activities include the National Convention of The American Legion and two other separate conventions: American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion whose combined membership exceeds three (3) million worldwide. Along with the above-mentioned and the annual business meeting, other significant elements of the National Convention include a parade, patriotic memorial service, exhibits, general sessions with nationally acclaimed keynote speakers, color guard and band contests, receptions and banquets. For event details: www.legion.org or 317-630-1313