Old City Hall - Sister Cities Room
315 E. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33602
United States
DATE: Friday, November 8, 2024
TIME: 9:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Old City Hall, 1st Floor
Sister Cities Room
315 E. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33602
MEETING AGENDA/PURPOSE: The purpose of this public meeting of the City Council Citizens Advisory Budget and Finance Committee (the “Committee”) is: (1) Adoption of Minutes and Agenda; (2) Review of the Sunshine Law; (3) Discussion and preparation of a work plan for future Committee meetings; (4) New Business; (5) Public Comment; (6) Announce date and time of next meeting and adjourn.
ADA: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting or hearing should contact the City of Tampa's ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the proceeding. The ADA Coordinator may be contacted via phone at 813-274-3964, email at TampaADA@tampagov.net, or by submitting an ADA - Accommodations Request form available online at https://tampa.gov/ADARequest.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information regarding this public meeting, please contact Hagar Kopesky at 813-274-7741.