Tampa Convention Center Gasparilla

Stormwater Utility Mitigation Credit Application

Indicates required field

Questions? Call (813) 274-8386

Section A - Owner Information


Section B - Applicant's Engineer's Name - if applicable:


Section C - Property Information


Section D - What Mitigation are you applying for?

Note: For parcels discharging to eligible non-City Stormwater System; The survey or site plan must depict the area of the parcel directly discharging to eligible waters and shall also display any additional area that is discharging to the City's system or other receiving water bodies.

Section E - Application Check List

Completed applications must be submitted after receiving the Certificate of Occupancy. The subject stormwater management system must be in compliance with all applicable site plans and permits. Adequate documentation must be submitted to evaluate the parcel and demonstrate its eligibility per the City's Code Section 21-123 and Mitigation Policy . Please note that the City reserves the right to request additional information if necessary. Incomplete applications will not be considered; however, we will hold your application for up to 6 months to allow adequate time to submit all required forms and documentation.
Please check one or combination of documents you are including with this application:

Section F- Certification Statements

Sign below certifying that you have read the following statements and understand each one:

  • The information in this application is truthful and accurate.
  • The credited stormwater management system will stay in compliance with its site plan and permit requirements.
  • I hereby grant the City of Tampa staff access to the property referenced in this document to inspect the facility or facilities proposed for a mitigation credit. The City shall provide at least twenty-four (24) hour notice to property owner.
  • I will notify the City of Tampa should any destruction or damage occur to the facility referenced in this mitigation credit application that prevents it from performing as credited.

If approved, all non-residential properties are required to submit to the City a recertification application and supporting documentation every 5th year after receiving a mitigation credit; attesting the on-site stormwater infrastructure which qualified the property to be eligible for the mitigation credit continues to exist and is maintained to be functioning as designed.  I understand if the mitigation is granted, the deadline for the next recertification will be on the approval letter and it is my responsibility to adhere to it. I understand there is no other notification.

Sign in Gray Box Above

For multiple owners, representative responsible for management may sign

Section G - Engineer of Record Signature

Sign in Gray Box Above
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