Tampa Riverwalk at Night

Homeless Resources

Help the Homeless


Affordable housing is one of Mayor Castor’s five strategic goals.  The City of Tampa Housing and Community Development Division (HCD) works with community agencies and conducts outreach to help alleviate homelessness in the City of Tampa.  A staff of four persons works to assess the needs of persons facing homelessness and assist them with locating resources that would best meet their needs.  The HCD Homeless Outreach staff can be reached at 813-274-8960.

Latest News

New Housing Team Helps Address Affordable Housing Crisis By Focusing on Homelessness  (February 28, 2023)

Homelessness Resources

Domestic Violence

Elderly Homeless 
Press 1 to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of the elderly.

Human Trafficking

Mental Health Crisis

Sexual Assault

Suicide Prevention

Youth & Runaway

Veteran Crisis Line

VA Homeless Housing Info Line

Catholic Charities Tampa Hope Shelter

Tampa Hope is a shelter for up to 300 men and women, providing shelter, meals, basic hygiene requirements, and wrap-arounds services.  The goal of Tampa Hope is to move clients into permanent, stable housing with income or increased income opportunities.

3704 E. 3rd Avenue
Tampa FL 33605
Phone (Outreach Specialist):  813-394-2881


The Spring of Tampa Bay

The Spring of Tampa Bay provides safe spaces and services to survivors of domestic violence and their children.

Location is confidential
Phone:  813-247-7233


DACCO Community Housing Solutions Center

This is a facility with 75 beds for adult men and women.  It is a four (4) month housing-focused program that is  separate from DACCOs treatment programs.

3630 N. 50th Street
Tampa, FL 33619  (Map)

Phone: 813-384-4170

75 beds for adult men and women - Four (4) month housing-focused program This program is separate from DACCOs treatment programs, bed hotline is (813) 384-4170 

New Beginnings

New Beginnings operates an Emergency Shelter located on N. Nebraska Avenue in Tampa, FL.  Our shelter serves adult males and females with a 40-bed capacity and operates 365 days per year.  Admission is based on availability which changes daily. The New Beginnings Emergency Shelter provides a clean, safe, substance-free environment designed to assist homeless persons in taking critical steps to stabilize their lives.

In addition, New Beginnings has a special program for homeless veterans designed to engage them with the existing network of veteran resources.

8535 North Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604  (Map)

Phone: 813-971-6961

New Beginnings Website

Metropolitan Ministries

Are you at risk of becoming homeless, or are you homeless and need shelter? Apply now for emergency shelter. Once your application is submitted, an intake specialist will contact the phone number or email provided on your application.

Our emergency shelter programs in Hillsborough County are designed for households with children and single women.

If you have any questions, please email intakedocs@metromin.org or call (813) 209-1222.


2002 N. Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602  (Map)

Phone: 813-209-1000

Metropolitan Ministries Website

Salvation Army Red Shield Center

This facility operates 24/7/365 on a first-come, first-serve basis.   There is a capacity of 132 shelter beds broken down by several programs.  There is not a waitlist or call ahead list, and reservations are not taken.  There is no charge, but a photo ID is required.  They offer a homeless program to assist individuals with getting off the street.  They offer case management, meals, shelter, job assistance, insurance assistance, Social Security Assistance. All services are if applicable.

Phone: 813-549-0641

1514 N. Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL - 33602  (Map)

Salvation Army Website

St. Vincent de Paul CARES

SVdP CARES is a non-profit organization committed to ending homelessness.  SVdP CARES works to house those experiencing homelessness and connect them to resources and stabilization support services to assist their needs.

2810 W Saint Isabel Street, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33607  (Map)

Phone: 727-823-2516

SVdP's Website

Rapid Rehousing

(rental assistance for persons facing homelessness):

Assistance for Cancer Patients

Network of Services and Service Providers:

The Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI) maintains an information network of all local service providers.  The network includes homeless assistance and other resources provided by community partner agencies within the Tampa/Hillsborough County Continuum of Care.  

Community Resources:

Call 211 or visit www.211atyourfingertips.org for information, referrals, and crisis counseling.

The Coffee Shop Drop-in Center

Open 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Monday to Friday this location offers assistance in the form of showers, laundry, computers, internet and telephones.

6220 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604  (Map)

Phone: 813-272-2311

Feeding Tampa Bay

Feeding Tampa Bay, part of the national Feeding America network, focuses on providing food to nearly 1 million food insecure families in the 10-county area of West Central Florida.

4702 Transport Drive
Tampa, FL 33605 (Map)

Phone: 813-254-1190

Guided Path Foundation

This organization provides a wide array of services, including HIV testing and linkage to treatment and care, educational and prevention workshops, mental health counseling, linkage to support services, hot meals, a clothing closet, transportation, and career readiness training to ensure that they can better thrive on an individual, interpersonal, and professional setting.

8307 N. Armenia Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604 (Map)

Phone: 813-373-6649



The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program offers supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education and counseling, and screening and referrals to other health, welfare and social services.

Phone: 813-307-8074

Florida Department of Health Hillsborough County WIC

Tampa Hope

Catholic Charities, in partnership with the City of Tampa, is opening a new homeless resource program called Tampa Hope, providing safe, secure, and permanent shelter for hundreds of men and women as well as food, clothing, transportation, education, employment, and benefits assistance, substance abuse and mental health counseling, basic medical care, and case management services. 

Officials with the city and Catholic Charities on Monday, December 13 welcomed the first 50 residents.  Initially, clients will be housed in tents assembled on wood platforms. When at full capacity, the program can house up to 300 people in permanent structures, known as Hope Cottages™.  More...

Hope Cottage™ at Tampa Hope

Hope Cottage™ at Tampa Hope

Updated: 03/05/2024