Boats in Harbor

Vision Zero and Equity

Tampa is committed to implementing outcome-driven, strategic investments that are based on data and equity.

At its core, equity is defined as distributing resources proportional to need. Centering Vision Zero in equity allows the city to prioritize investment in areas that need it most.

  • Disadvantaged communities carry a greater burden of deadly and life-altering injury crashes.
Disadvantaged Communities
  • People walking are the most vulnerable.
Fatal Crashes by Mode vs. Mode Share
  • Certain age groups are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes.
Age Groups - People walking between the ages of 56-75, Cyclists under 25 years old, New drivers 16-25 years old

The City of Tampa formed a Vision Zero Task Force which includes the Equity and Engagement Committee. The committee’s mission is to identify actionable solutions to engage the public, promote awareness and safer behaviors on roadways, and infuse equity and inclusion into this Vision Zero Action Plan. The group will continue to provide a measure of accountability as the Vision Zero Action Plan is implemented.