Water taxi on Hillsborough River

Contact Us - General Employee Retirement Fund

April Oliver

GE Retirement Fund Supervisor

Email - April.oliver@tampagov.net

Main Office Number - (813) 274-7850

Fax Number - (813) 274-7289

Department Email - gepension@tampagov.net

Address - 306 E. Jackson Street, 7th Floor East, Tampa, Florida 33602


Additional Contact Numbers:


HR / Benefits and Personnel System - (813) 274-8041
Personnel transaction processing. Includes employment, benefits, termination

HR / Risk Management - (813) 274-5704
Management of the City insurance program

Employee Benefits (Health/Life Insurance) - (813) 274-8239

Social Security - (800) 772-1213

AARP  - (888) 687-2277

IRS (Tampa Office) - (813) 348-1831

United Health Care - (800) 377-5154