The Residential Services Division provides once-per-week recycling services, once-per-week yard waste collections, and twice-per-week curb, alley, and backdoor garbage collection services for an average of 77,000 single-family and multi-family residences. In addition, the division collects wastes from an average of 2,700 small businesses located within or near residential neighborhoods. Each time residential service crews stop to collect waste or empty one 96-gallon cart that counts as one collection point – accumulating into over 1.3 million waste collection service opportunities each month. Residential Services Division employees have a goal of providing safe, same day and on-time service at a rate of over 99% each month. The Department remains focused on implementing new technologically advanced waste collection concepts to improve collection efficiency enhance performance and customer service.
Residential Waste Collection Services
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Updated: 10/01/2023