Tampa Convention Center at night

Food Truck Vendor

Food truck vendors must supply the following documentation in order to participate in events. Documents must be readily available at all times:

  • A completed application  from the Fire Marshal’s office.
  • Proof of General and Automotive Liability with a policy number (no binders) that shows an expiration date that has not yet occurred.
  • A copy of the truck’s State of Florida, Department of Business Regulations, Division of Hotels and Restaurants license. (Must be current).
  • A copy of the truck’s Business Tax documentation. This may be from any City or County within the State of Florida. (Must be current).
  • A copy of the truck owners Food Safety/Professional Manager Certification from the State of Florida.
  • Approval from Land Development and Zoning (see Zoning requirements below) if the truck plans to operate on private property during a City approved Special Event and the private property from which they will operate is immediately adjacent to the defined Special Event site.
  • If using for cooking, a commercial hood is required along with a fire suppression system.
  • If cooking or using a heat source, must provide 2A-10BC, tagged, extinguisher.
  • If cooking produces grease laden vapors, must provide tagged and serviced Class K extinguisher.

Food trucks are subjected to a safety inspection from the Fire Marshal’s office at any time during their operation. Trucks must be able to show current inspection and licensing from the State of Florida, Department of Business Regulations, Division of Hotels and Restaurants and proof of an association to an approved Commissary.

Vendors that are located on public right-of-way and are authorized by an event sponsor shall be reviewed by the Office of Special Events and must comply with the regulations in Chapter 28. Vendors that are located on private property are subject to the following provisions:

  • One (1) vendor per zoning lot
  • For vendors allowed on private property only, property owner must sign and notarize application indicating that the vendor has permission to vend on that site.
  • Placement of the vendor on the property shall not interfere with required parking, loading and unloading spaces, or the vehicular access to those spaces for the principal use.
  • NOT allowed on residential property
  • Create a Planning – Special Use 1 - Temp Vendor application in Accela