Aerial of Riverfont Park

Tampa Public Art - Project Identification

Project Identification

All CIP projects that meet eligibility requirements contribute to the Public Art Fund. However, not all sites may receive artwork. Each year the TPA Administrator shall prepare a Public Art Action Plan that identifies prospective projects and the status of ongoing projects. Developing this plan balances many factors such as the activity of City departments and the public impact of specific projects. It also requires reporting from the budget to clarify the amounts contributed to the Fund.

Public Art Action Plan

The development of the Public Art Action Plan should coincide with capital project planning and budgeting. This process is intended to streamline project identification, but does not preclude introducing projects at other points during the year.

In April, the TPA administrator reminds each City department of Public Art eligibility for projects for which they are requesting funds. During this time, the TPA administrator gathers information on top priority projects from all departments. In August when the budget is being finalized, the TPA Administrator meets with the Contract Administrator at the Department of Public Works to review the list of projects that are funded for design and construction.

Shortly after the budget is approved, the TPA administrator shall submit a Public Art Action Plan to the Mayor or Administration's designee. This plan will be based on the status of the Public Art Fund as allocated through the capital budget. The Public Art Action Plan shall identify:

  • Future projects that require art selection panels during the coming year
  • Budgets for prospective projects
  • Non-City projects to be administered by the TPA program--either private development or projects selected through a proposal process
  • Status of ongoing projects.

Priorities Impacting TPA Projects

  • Projects where the artwork can have the greatest positive impact on the site or surrounding community
  • Projects in the early phases of design that will allow the artwork to be fully integrated with the project
  • Projects with pledges of strong community and/or private partnership
  • Widespread distribution of projects in neighborhoods throughout the City
  • Equitable distribution among City agencies, based on the portion of money
    contributed to the Public Art Fund
  • Administrative capacity of TPA to handle the project effectively.

Ways for Community Groups and Artists to Initiate Projects

One of the advantages of the Public Art Fund is that it is not necessary that all Public Art projects be linked to a City capital project. There are places in the City that merit projects where there is no immediate construction planned. As resources permit, a lump sum may be allocated from the Public Art Fund for such projects and a process for groups/artists to initiate projects be implemented. Given the limited program staff and funds, this initiative might start out as a biannual program.

To encourage projects initiated by artists or community groups, and to ensure fair and uniform procedures for review and support of such projects, the Public Art Program will administer a call for "Open Proposals" on an annual or biannual basis. Funds placed in the Public Art Fund and not spent on individual CIP projects will be made available for this program. The TPA Program will circulate a call for proposals detailing the theme for each funding round, the budgets available and the criteria for selection. Proposals may be for either temporary or permanent projects. Potential themes for this program could encompass a wide range. Examples include collaborations between artists and community groups or artists addressing a particular portion of the City, such as the Hillsborough River, street furniture for a certain district, or temporary projects to provide opportunities to new artists.