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Career Explorer

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Exploring Careers Based on Personality Traits

Are you unsure what type of career would be a good fit for you?

Are you currently working in a job that doesn't seem to mesh with your personality?

This page recommends a popular personality type indicator tool that can be used with research done by the job search company Indeed to match personality types with careers.

Match Personality Type to a Potential Career
  1. Discover your Myers-Briggs Personality Type (MBTI).   Here are a couple of options.

    Watch this video which describes the MBTI types:

    Indeed Video Describing Myers-Briggs Types

    Take this free online test with 65 questions

  2. Once you know which of the 16 MBTI types you are click one of the below links to see which careers will align best with that personality type:

Updated: 10/01/2023