Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

Wetland Setback Application

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City of Tampa Logo and Seal

Application for Development within 25'/30' Wetland Setback

(A Separate Application is required for each Individual Encroachment)

Project Address

Submit the following: (NOTE: All plans must be drawn to scale)

  1. Site plan or plat with each encroachment site numbered, highlighting encroachment area and type of encroachment.
  2. Wetland delineation by appropriate environmental agency. Include all appropriate permits or correspondence.
  3. Stormwater plans (if applicable - Environmental Resource Permit).
  4. Mitigation plans (if applicable).
  5. A detailed cross section, to scale, of each encroachment area or type of encroachment. Cross Section to show wetland line and distances to encroachment and existing and proposed elevations.
  6. Cross Sections and detailed plans for erosion control devices.
  7. A statement of how the proposed development will not significantly effect the biological integrity or hydrology of the wetland area.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, txt, rtf, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
80 MB limit per form.

NOTE: If application is submitted in order to obtain subdivision construction drawing approval, approved cross sections are to be included in the construction drawing plan submittal to the subdivision coordinator.