TECO Streetcar at Dick Greco Plaza

Accounting Office

The Accounting Office of the Department of Revenue and Finance administers the general ledger; processes payroll records; maintains accounts receivable and payable; controls reimbursements and interdepartmental billings; and is responsible for investing City funds as well as negotiating bond issues. Additionally, its personnel are responsible for balancing utility accounts; providing property control and central cashiering services; producing financial reports: and administering the City's pension fund.

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is a complete set of financial statements that are published each year in accordance with state law. The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is presented in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP) and is audited by a firm of licensed certified public accountants.

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is presented in several sections: An introductory section, a financial section that contains the basic financial statements and notes preceded by a management discussion and analysis, a statistical section, and a continuing disclosure section detailing information in accordance with continuing disclosure requirements applicable to various bond issuance, and a single audit section identifying federal and state financial assistance with external auditor's certifications and management letter.

Beginning in the fiscal year 2020, the Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), a component unit of the City of Tampa, Florida, (City) has its own separate financial audit to comply with the Florida Statutes. The CRA Annual Financial Report presents several sections: management’s discussion and analysis, the financial section that contains the basic financial statements and notes, followed by the required supplementary information. The CRA is presented as a non-major special revenue fund in the annual financial statements of the City.

Beginning in the fiscal year 2020, the Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), a component unit of the City of Tampa, Florida, (City) has its own separate financial audit to comply with the Florida Statutes. The CRA Annual Financial Report presents several sections: management’s discussion and analysis, the financial section that contains the basic financial statements and notes, followed by the required supplementary information. The CRA is presented as a non-major special revenue fund in the annual financial statements of the City.