Tampa Convention Center at night

Development Coordination

Tampa Skyline
Development Coordination

City of Tampa Hurricanes Helene and Milton Permit and Construction Memorandum: Mayor’s Emergency Management Powers

Waiver of Certain Permit Application and Inspection Fees & Certain Provision in Floodplain Management Ordinance

The Development Coordination Division is comprised of multiple disciplines that are directly related to current and long-range planning and development projects throughout the City of Tampa.  The Division processes entitlements, reviews for compliance with urban design standards and includes the Streets and Addressing section.

The office is open from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM.  To schedule an appointment, please email us.  In your email, please state with whom you would like to meet and the reason for your visit. 

If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact the ADA Coordinator at 274-3964 or at “Request disability accommodations for meeting.”