Litter Skimmer FAQs

Litter Skimmer FAQs

The Litter Skimmer has been operating since August of 2022.

The Litter Skimmer is a 43-foot boat.

The Litter Skimmer collects trash and debris. Most commonly seen are water bottles, chip bags, plastic bags, caps, straws, dock debris, logs, and palm fronds.

The Litter Skimmer collects up to 39,000 pounds of trash and debris per year.

It runs on a weekly basis covering various waterways in Tampa.

Max speed is 3.5 knots. The boat operates as a floating barge with heavy equipment on the bow making a low speed mandatory for successful operation.

No, the boat has specific areas it is able to clean and maintains those on a weekly basis. With the low speed of the Litter Skimmer and litter’s tendency to move quickly with current of waterways, wind, and other factors, requests cannot be processed. Litter can be reported by calling 813-274-3101, a hotline staffed by the Stormwater Department. The Stormwater Department will provide any follow up on litter reported through the hotline.

The Litter Skimmer covers a widespread of various waterways in the Tampa area. The route includes Hillsborough River, Seddon Channel, Garrison Channel, Ybor Channel, Sparkman Channel, Bayshore, East Bay Channel, portions of Tampa Bay, McKay Bay, and Tampa Bypass Canal. These are the only areas the Litter Skimmer operates.

Land based trash, when littered or caught by the wind, gets washed into stormwater drains that empty into streams, rivers, bays, and other waterways. Whether intentional or unintentional, litter can come from human based activities, birds mistaking trash for food, and from storms. 

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 80% of water based pollution begins as land based litter. Rain collects land based litter and moves through storm drains that empty into the waterways. For more information on storm drain litter prevention visit the Stormwater Department webpage

Yes, presentations can be scheduled indoors or specific docking locations. For more information submit a presentation request.