Amalie Arena

Manager - Drew Park and West Tampa Community Redevelopment Areas

Malcolm Kiner

Drew Park  and West Tampa

Malcolm Kiner

Malcolm Kiner comes to the City of Tampa Economic and Urban Development Department as new Drew Park and West Tampa CRA Manager after serving for 7 years as a Project Manager with the City of Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency.  Kiner was responsible for a diverse group of redevelopment projects throughout the CRA’s four redevelopment areas.  Kiner is a 2008 alum of the National Urban Fellows Program that develops professionals to be leaders and change agents in the public and nonprofit sectors.   He received his Master’s in Public Administration in August 2008 from Bernard M. Baruch College School of Public Affairs, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida.  Kiner is active in his church and community, volunteering as a mentor, and working as a volunteer with nonprofit organizations.