COVID-19 Update

This information is 3 years 10 months old and may no longer be accurate.

The Tampa Convention Center (TCC) continues to closely monitor conditions associated with COVID-19 and is actively following guidelines and recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control, the Florida Department of Health and the City of Tampa Department of Emergency Management. The following guidelines are basic plans outlined by TCC as it awaits re-opening guidelines from public health officials.

TCC has been visitor free and following the Safer At Home, Assembly of less than 10 persons, 6’ Social Distancing and Recommended Facial Coverings Policy

The following measures are implemented or being considered in preparation for re-opening:

Building Cleanliness:

a. Touch-Free Entry/Exits: Maintain the five touch-free double-door main entry points from the building, two touch-free card-protected entry points to the kitchen service corridors. Nearly 100% touch-free entry/exit and bathroom user experience for our visitors.

b. Touch Point Cleaning Task Force: A dedicated task force will be cleaning all public touch points throughout the property on an hourly schedule.  Under circumstances of high attendance events, Electrostatic cleaning will also be utilized. Touch points include door handles, handrails, bathroom surfaces, meeting room tables and chairs, exposition halls, café areas and all interior and exterior elevator surfaces.

c. Disinfectant Measures: All bathroom soap and towel dispensers will be frequently refilled in preparation for higher-than-average use. TCC has installed seven new touch-free portable hand sanitizing stations with CDC-recommended alcohol-based liquid hand sanitizer. As product becomes available, additional stations will be installed.


Enhanced Employee Initiatives and Hygiene Training are as follows:

a. All TCC employees have been given proper protective equipment and educational material on handwashing techniques and cough and sneeze etiquette. Enhanced hygiene signage has also been posted at all entry locations, message boards and employee service areas throughout the convention center.

b. Health Screenings are occurring of all employees prior to entering the facility.

c. Use of face coverings are standard for those moments when 6’ social distancing is not achievable.


Attendees & Guest Experiences Include:

a. Social Distancing and a maximum of 10 persons within any space at a time.

b. Limit of 2 persons per passenger elevator ride.

c. Use of escalator distancing every third step.

d. Room sets that reduce the overall capacity to provide either 3’ theater or 6’ theater spacing.

e. Constant supply of fresh air into the building for a high rate of ventilation.

f. Handwashing Frequency Signs as well as 24 hand sanitizing stations logistically placed throughout the venue.

g. Increase Service Attendant presence for service at all self-serve kiosk locations

h. Cashless transactions


Food & Beverage Proposed Considerations:

a. Plated and Buffet meal services maintain social distance while delivering meals

b. Single serve condiment and food and beverage servings.

c. Prepared to order and served packaged food options


Client Enhanced Service Opportunities will include the following recommendations:

a. Updated Seating Capacity: TCC has developed optional capacity charts and floor plans that provide clients with room sets for standard, 3-foot and 6-foot set options.

b. Video Teleconferencing Packages: TCC is prepared to offer clients dynamic and competitive video teleconferencing packages to provide distance conferencing abilities.

c. TCC has for-purchase amenities that include disposable table placements and branded sanitizer wipe stations.

d. Recommended policy statements through proper signage for alternatives to shaking hands.

e. Establish one-way paths within their event.

f. Design strategic schedule for Food & Beverage and Refresh Services.

g. Provide hand sanitizer and/or disposable l sanitizing wipes for guests.


For Information:

Una Garvey, Convention Center & Tourism Director

April 24, 2020

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