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Suzanne Seder named CSM of the Year

This information is 4 years 9 months old and may no longer be accurate.

We're proud to announce that our Director of Convention Services Suzanne Seder has been named Convention Services Manager of the Year by the Event Service Professionals Association

She was recently featured by Northstar Meetings Group - see her excerpt: 

Suzanne Seder has spent 20 years managing convention services for the Tampa Convention Center, but says she still loves the job.

"Every day is a new and exciting challenge," Seder said. "After two decades in the industry, I still look forward to conquering obstacles, surfacing new ideas and sourcing the right resources to support successful events."

Her previous experience as a corporate meeting planner has equipped her with a strong understanding of the needs and expectations of planners. In addition to helping the event team create above-and-beyond experiences for clients, Seder enjoys giving back and serving as a mentor to those who are new to the industry.

Congratulations, Suzanne! We're so lucky to have you on our team here at the Tampa Convention Center. 

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