Julian B. Lane Pavilion

Budget Resolutions

(greater than)
Date of Adoption Resolution No Amount Description

Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $4,000,000 for use by the Human Resources & Talent Development Department within the General Fund, Insurance Fund, Local Option Gas Tax Fund, Construction Services Operations Fund, Stormwater Service Assessment Fund, Parking Operations Fund, Water Operations Fund, Wastewater Operations Fund, Solid Waste Operations Fund, Fleet Maintenance Operations Fund and Consumer Services Fund for additional Workers Compensation obligations; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously. 

Memorandum from Dennis R. Rogero, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, transmitting additional information for said agenda item. 

Motion: (Miranda-Hurtak) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Maniscalco being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $500,000 within the Central Park, Channel District, Downtown Non-Core, Tampa Heights Riverfront and Drew Park Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Funds; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $60,000 within the General Fund for use by the Technology & Innovation Department to replace and upgrade data switches at TMOB; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,920,000 within the Fleet Maintenance Operations Fund for use by the Logistics & Asset Management Department/Fleet Maintenance Division for increased repair and maintenance, contractual services, and fuel and lubricant expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $748,400 within the Housing Opportunities with AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Fund for the Housing and Community Development Division of the Development and Growth Management Department to develop a housing as an intervention to fight AIDS model and demonstration project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $200,000 within the General Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue to purchase Zoll monitors for use in ladder trucks; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $3,252,300 for use by various departments within the General Fund and Fleet Maintenance Operations Fund for Fiscal Year 2022 Expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,500,000 for Tampa Union Station within the Downtown Non-Core Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Maniscalco-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $106,000 within the General Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department to purchase aviation technology upgrades; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $224,000 within the Construction Services Department (CSD)-Customer Service Enhancement Fund for the purchase of seven vehicles for the Construction Services Division; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $306,046 within the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Fund for the 2022 HIDTA Grant for the Tampa Police Department; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Gudes) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $400,000 within the General Fund and Other Grants Fund for a National Fish and Wildlife Fund Grant for the Palmetto Beach Living Shoreline and Community Engagement Project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Carlson being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,000,000 within the Downtown Core and Non Core CRA Funds and Downtown CRA Bank Note Fund.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Hurtak being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $46,594.05 within the Public Safety Contributions & Donations Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Hurtak being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $882,754 for the purchase of modular buildings for use by Logistics & Asset Management - Facilities Division within the General Fund, Solid Waste Department within the Solid Waste Operations Fund and the Water Department within the Water Operations Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0 with Hurtak being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $4,494,000 within the Channel, Downtown Non-Core, West Tampa, East Tampa, Ybor I and Ybor II Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Funds; providing an effective date.

Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, CRA Director, transmitting a substitute resolution for said agenda item.

Motion: (Gudes-Citro) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Viera and Miranda being absent at vote. (Title of said substitute resolution listed below)

Substitute resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $3,994,000 for various reprogrammings within the Channel District, Downtown Non-Core, West Tampa, Ybor I and Ybor II Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Funds; pending CRA Board approval on April 14, 2022; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said substitute resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $4,601.58 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the Interlocal Agreement with Hillsborough County for grant funds as part of the National Incident-Based Reporting System Compliance Program; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Citro-Gudes) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $100,000 within the General Fund for use by the Human Resources & Talent Development Department for student internship program; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Citro) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $273,283.58 within the Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grant Fund to assist City of Tampa residents affected by the COVID 19 pandemic; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $1,520,590 within the General, Utility Services Tax and Fleet Maintenance Capital Funds for use by Tampa Fire Rescue to acquire five EMS vehicles; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Citro-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $40,000 for the 40th Street parking lot for use by the Contract Administration Department within the General Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $15,060 within the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) – Interstate Highway Expansion Phase I Trust Fund for historic rehabilitation of property; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,999,560 within the Housing Grant Fund to inspect homes for housing related hazards and to provide remediation for present hazards; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $469,343 for use by the Mobility Department within the Transportation Grants Capital Projects Fund for the West Platt Street at South Fremont Avenue project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $32,503 within the Fire Advance Payments Grants Fund-EMS for use by Tampa Fire Rescue for the FY2022 Hillsborough County Emergency Medical Services Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Citro-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 6-0.