Downtown Tampa View

Budget Resolutions

(greater than)
Date of Adoption Resolution No Amount Description

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $15,581.69 within the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Fund for the 2021 HIDTA Grant for the Tampa Police Department; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the city of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $124,209.02 within the general fund for the letter of agreement and contract between University of North Florida Training and Services Institute, Inc. and the Tampa police department for pedestrian and bicycle safety enforcement; Providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,000,000 within the General Fund to realign current appropriation and provide an additional contribution to Catholic Charities for the Tampa HOPE Shelter program; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Maniscalco-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $115,254 for the Hillsborough Reservoir Algae Control Pilot Grant for use by the Water Department within the Water Grants Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $500,000 for use by the Mobility Department within the Local Option Gas Tax Fund to maintain operations; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Maniscalco-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $19,950 within the Private Donations Capital Projects Fund for use by the Small Neighborhood Parks project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Gudes-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $22,963.31 within the Housing Grants Fund for Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) activities; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $7,064,726 within the Solid Waste Capital/Construction Fund for use by the Department of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management for GMP 1 for the McKay Bay Waste-to-Energy Facility Retrofit/Upgrades Project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Maniscalco-Hurtak) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried by voice roll call vote of 6-1 with Carlson voting no.

Memorandum from Larry Washington, Director of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management, and Chuck Conklin, WTE Director of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management, transmitting additional information for said agenda item. 

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That said memorandum be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $80,000 within the Other Grants Fund and the Development For The Arts Fund for use by the Arts & Cultural Affairs Division for a temporary memorial at Zion Cemetery; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Gudes-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $47,000 within the Ybor II Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Fund for the East 7th Avenue Streetscape and Monument Project.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $431,000 within the general fund for use by Technology and Innovation Department for operating expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,026,505 within the Channel District and East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area Funds; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of the $150,000 within the Police Grants Fund for the 2020 Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Grant for the Tampa Police Department; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Carlson being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $4,800 within the Public Safety Contributions & Donations Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue for Capital Outlay Expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $88,028 within the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Grant Fund for SHIP Grant Program activities; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,172,550 for the Purify Usable Resources for the Environment (PURE) Project within the Water Renewal & Replacement Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That said resolution be continued to September 15, 2022, under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote of 7-0.

Memorandum from Brad L. Baird, P.E. Deputy Administrator of Infrastructure, requesting that said agenda item be moved to Staff Reports and Unfinished Business for further discussion. 

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That said memorandum be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $80,000 within the Non Ad Valorem Assessment - Westshore Fund for marketing and promotional activities.

Motion: (Carlson-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $50,000 within the General Fund for use by the Department of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management for environmental consultant services for site remediation; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $98,260 within the General Fund for use by the Fire Rescue and Police Departments for Zoll monitors, trailer, and computer server expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $25,000 within the Parks & Recreation Grants Capital Projects Fund for use by the Citywide ADA Improvements project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Gudes-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $3,430,000 for use by the Fire Rescue, Parks & Recreation, and Police Departments within the General Fund and Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) – State Forfeiture for Fiscal Year 2022 Fuel, Motorpool, Utilities, and Donation Expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously. 

Memorandum from Dennis R. Rogero, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, transmitting additional information for said agenda item. 

Motion: (Miranda-Hurtak) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Maniscalco being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $20,500 within the Private Donations Capital Projects Fund for use by the New Tampa Inclusive Playground project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Gudes-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $260,000 within the American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) Funds, and the realignment of $150,000 within the General, Utilities Services Tax, and Utilities Services Tax Capital Projects Funds for the Loretta Ingram Solar Panel Installation project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $388,284.97 within the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Grant Fund to appropriate program income for HOME Grant Program activities; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $7,500 within the Private Donations Capital Projects Fund for use by the Small Neighborhood Parks project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Gudes-Maniscalco) That Council adopts said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.