Bayshore Oak Sunrise

Budget Resolutions

(greater than)
Date of Adoption Resolution No Amount Description

Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $131,473 for the façade grant refunds received for the Community Redevelopment Department within the Drew Park Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $3,089,233 for the Prescott Pumping Station Rehabilitation Project to be used by the Wastewater Department within the Wastewater Bonds – Series 2024 Capital Projects Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Henderson) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.

Memorandum from Brad L. Baird, P.E., Deputy Administrator of Infrastructure, transmitting additional information for said agenda item. 

Motion: (Miranda-Carlson) That said memorandum, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,236,220 for the Kirby Street Force Main and Gomez Pumping Station Force Main Project to be used by the Wastewater Department within the Wastewater Bonds – Series 2024 Capital Projects Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Henderson) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $500,003 within the General and Housing Program Funds for Multi-Family Rental Rehabilitation; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Henderson-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $5,000,000 within the General Fund and FEMA Reimbursement Fund to provide for anticipated expenses related to Hurricane Idalia; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Hurtak) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $500,000 for use by the Mobility Department within the Parking Operations Fund for the Florida Aquarium revenue sharing agreement; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Henderson-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Clendenin and Maniscalco being absent.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the de-appropriation of $39,590.14 within the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) fund for the 2022 HIDTA Grant Modification 1 for the Tampa Police Department; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Clendenin) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $5,950 within the Housing Grants Fund to investigate and resolve employment discrimination complaints that fall under the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's jurisdiction and are within the city limits; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Clendenin) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $79,800 within the Housing Grants Fund for the Office of Human Rights Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) activities; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Henderson) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $252,152 within the General Fund and the Police Grants Fund for use by the Police Department for the FY2023 Port Security Grant; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Viera-Clendenin) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $49,146 within the General Fund for use by the Human Resources & Talent Development Department for leased mailroom equipment; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Clendenin) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $13,903,895 for the Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation – Design Build Project for GMP No. 2 to be used by the Wastewater Department within the Wastewater Bonds - Series 2024 Capital Projects Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Clendenin-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $400,000 within the Golf Course Operating and Capital Funds; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Henderson-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $6,000 within the General Fund for use by the City Clerk's Office to pay for training and installation costs associated with the purchase of a production scanner; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Clendenin) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $60,000 within the Parks and Recreation Grants Capital Projects Fund for use by the Citywide ADA Improvements project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Henderson being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $5,500 within the General Fund for use by the Logistics & Asset Management Department for operating capital expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.

Motion: (Henderson-Carlson) That the memorandum submitted by Councilmember Hurtak, requesting that said agenda item be pulled for discussion, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $4,550,000 for use by the Wastewater Department within the Wastewater Operations Fund for operating expenses; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Henderson being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,798,036 within the General Fund for use by the Fire Rescue and Police Departments for Fiscal Year 2023 State of Florida Retirement Pension Contributions; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Henderson being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $3,600,000 for operating expenses for use by Water Department within the Water Operations Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Hurtak-Miranda) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Henderson being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $11,000,000 within the General Fund for Tampa Fire Rescue and Tampa Police Department Fiscal Year end 2023 personnel expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Henderson) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.

Motion: (Henderson-Carlson) That the memorandum submitted by Councilmember Hurtak, requesting that said agenda item be pulled for discussion, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously with Viera being absent at vote.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $50,000 within the Private Donations Capital Projects Fund for use by the Small Neighborhood Parks project; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Henderson-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the Budget of the City of Tampa for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $2,137,000 within the General Fund for use by the City Clerk, City Council, Neighborhood & Community Affairs, Police, and Technology & Innovation Departments for Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Expenditures; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Miranda-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $567,102.92 within the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) grant fund to appropriate Program Income for SHIP grant program activities providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $500,000 for utility expenses for the Convention Center and Tourism Department within the General Fund; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Henderson-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $42,102.63 within the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund to appropriate program income for CDBG program activities; providing an effective date.

Motion: (Carlson-Viera) That Council moves to adopt said resolution. Motion carried unanimously.