About Tampa CERT¶
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a program that trains citizens to be prepared for and respond to emergencies that may arise in their community. In the event of a major disaster such as a hurricane, emergency services personnel can initially become overwhelmed leaving citizens on their own. CERT training enables citizens to help themselves and their neighbors by applying the basic response and organizational skills during an emergency. CERT members can also serve as first responders to an emergency until professional emergency services arrive. See this video to learn how.
Become a Volunteer¶
To become a CERT volunteer you will need to complete the CERT Basic Training. To enroll, complete our Volunteer Application.
For questions, please email TampaCERT@tampagov.net or call 813-274-1285.
CERT Training¶
CERT Training can provide you with great skills to ensure you and your loved ones are prepared and able to respond quickly during an emergency. Training courses include, but are not limited to:
- Fire Extinguisher Usage
- Amateur Radio
- Triage
- Search and Rescue
- Basic Medical Care
- Incident Command
The CERT training curriculum is intended to accommodate a business professional's schedule. Sessions run from from 6:00-9:00pm on Wednesday nights with a total of 8 sessions for the whole curriculum.