Around Tampa Night Merged

About the Fire & Police Pension Board

Vision and Mission: The vision of the Tampa Fire & Police (F&P) Pension Fund is to lead Florida F&P pension funds through quality of processes, people, and performance. The mission is to serve F&P plan participants through the proper operation of the pension system by complying with state and federal laws, Internal Revenue Code, and continuous process improvement.

Current Operations and Initiatives: The Tampa F&P Pension Fund is administered by a nine member board of trustees who have appointed a full time plan administrator and administrative staff to conduct daily operations of the fund. The board consists of nine members: three each from the Fire Rescue and Police Departments and three appointed by the Mayor. The F&P Pension Board is charged with the general administration and responsibility for the proper operation of the pension system and for making effective provisions of the Special Acts of the State of Florida. 

The plan administrator and administrative staff are responsible for processing benefit payments to retirees and beneficiaries; processing health and life insurance enrollment and changes for retirees; administering the DROP; maintaining all active and retired firefighter and police officer confidential medical and pension files; processing medical disability pension applications; and administering pension benefits as provided in the pension contract/special act.

Current Board of Trustees:

Sergeant Matthew Belmonte - Vice Chairman

Driver Engineer John Cannon

Captain John Haintz

Eric Hayden, Chief Technology Officer

Major Patrick Messmer

Dennis Rogero, Chief Financial Officer

Firefighter Jamie Stock - Chairman

Major Alex Thiel

Ocea Wynn, Administrator of Neighborhood and Community Affairs -  Secretary