Bayshore Oak Sunrise

About Grants

What we do

In March 2013, the City of Tampa created the Grants office in order to analyze and quantify the city's current grant capability while simultaneously locating opportunities to grow and increase that capacity. The office is dedicated to assisting city agencies; however, it serves as a passive resource to the community by providing leads on grant opportunities that may benefit the greater Tampa and Hillsborough County community.

Through future development, responsibilities include the following services:

  • Tracking and monitoring all grants received and distributed by the city.
  • Maintaining a database of grant opportunities, granting organizations, and other resources for internal city departments.
  • Providing grant identification and writing assistance to city departments.
  • Development of city grants policies, procedures, and process improvements.
  • Collaborating with other government and community based organizations to identify and apply for grant funding for programs that support the Mayor's Priorities.
  • Monitoring changes to traditional sources of grant funding, providing information to determine trends in funding that will affect Tampa residents, and identify service gaps within the community.

The success of this website is, in part, dependent upon you the user. If you know of a grant related opportunity not listed on this website, or you would like to partner with the city on a grant please email or call us at (813) 274-3325.