Need assistance? We've identified some of the most common questions about TampaGov and our online services. If you don't find what you require, please send us a message or call the City of Tampa Service and Information Desk at (813)274-8211.
Boards and Commissions¶
Use this service to see a listing of boards and commissions. Select a board or commission to find out more about its purpose, contact and membership information and committee members. Views are available by status and membership of each individual.
Business Tax Inquiries¶
Access Business Tax information to view tax receipt records and locate a business by address, business name, or owner name. Online help is available.
Cemetery Inquiries¶
Find relatives resting in cemeteries maintained by the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department through the cemeteries database. The facility provides specific information about Woodlawn, Jackson Heights, Oaklawn, and Marti/Colon cemeteries.
Customer Service Center (CSC)¶
The Customer Service Center provides the citizens of Tampa with a communication tool directly to the different city departments.
Employment Openings and Job Applications¶
View current employment openings the City of Tampa is recruiting for and apply for positions online. Detailed help for the process is available.
The Online Application Submission service guides you through the application process. Application process:
- Select positions of interest and provide the basic information requested. Provide additional information when required.
- Complete each page by clicking the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page to save the information entered.
- Use the menu bar at the top of each page as a reference for what step of the process is being completed. You may move from one section to another to make corrections and additions using the menu bar; however, ensure you use the "Continue" button at the bottom of every page any time you enter information, as this is the only manner in which it is saved. Steps with multiple pages will list each page name on a second line and the page being viewed will be bold.
- Enter information on fields indicated with an asterisk (*).
- Provide additional information for sections allowing multiple entries. For example, provide multiple work history entries, one for every previous job/employer experience. In these instances, check the "Add Another" button located next to "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
- Skip a section by unchecking the "Validate Required Fields" button, then press "Continue".
- All sections must be completed before the application can be submitted.
- Click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page after making any changes to save the information.
- Check for messages next to a section title to ensure all required information has been supplied.
- Complete all sections before submitting the application. Incomplete sections will not be processed.
- Change information prior to submitting the application by typing over it or deleting the text.
- Print the City of Tampa employment forms with entered information by clicking the print icon on the right side menu. Printing is not required. This function is provided to create a paper copy for personal records.
- Printing the forms does not submit an application.
Fire Rescue and Police Calls for Service¶
View listings of police and fire rescue calls for service. Listings are available for a one-week period and are updated frequently on a scheduled basis.
Fire Rescue and Police Calls for Service Maps¶
View locations of police and fire calls for service on a map. A listing of police calls for service within the last 24 hours is available and it is updated every 15 minutes.
Access the Tampa Neighborhoods facility to find out more about the organized neighborhoods within the City of Tampa limits. Select a specific neighborhood via a map, by entering an address, or by selecting a neighborhood name. The information available includes neighborhood association contacts, neighborhood meeting schedules, photographs, demographics, land use, and printable maps. The information also includes unique characteristics such as City Council districts, evacuation and flood zones, hospitals, libraries, parks, and schools.
Maps and Directions¶
Obtain detailed address characteristics (crime activity, street sweeping schedule) about any address in the City along with driving directions using the locator map facility. Type in an address (Tampa addresses do not require a city, state, or zip code) and click the "Submit" button. If the address is located in the City of Tampa, address characteristics will also be provided. Listings of fire stations, schools, parks, and more are available. The option of increasing or decreasing the search distance can be accomplished using the "Change Search Radius" link.
Obtain additional information, location specifics, and directions to or from the entered location in the address call-out box. Close the box by clicking on the "X" in the top right corner, or by clicking on the "Hide" option.
The map can be viewed in various formats including street and satellite or aerial views.
Meeting Agendas¶
Search City Council Agendas by keyword or an agenda attribute. The search page provides instructions and definitions. Meeting agendas are also available through an RSS Feed.
News and Public Notices¶
View press releases and public announcements issued by City Departments in the News and Public Notices section. Announcements can be accessed through the menu bar in the following categories: Current; Featured; Expired; and All. These notices are also available as an RSS Feed. This facility has its own search capability and results can be sorted by date along with keyword relevance.
Online Payments¶
Pay City of Tampa bills using online payment (e-commerce) services. The services use secure, industry-standard data Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure the privacy of credit card information, name, address, and all other information provided.
We recommend printing a receipt after completing an online payment for your personal records. For those who provided an email address, an electronic receipt is also sent. Payment is processed at the close of the current business day, except for weekends, holidays, or after 9:00 pm, in which case the payment will be processed at the end of the next business day.
Send questions or call during normal business hours at (813) 274-8252 for additional information.
Parks Amenities¶
Locate parks and playgrounds with specific amenities using the Parks Finder facility. The City of Tampa has more than 125 parks and 75 playgrounds, which include such amenities as boat launches, computers, ball fields, tennis and racquetball courts, and more.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds¶
Get the latest job postings notifications, City Council agendas, and other important public announcements through RSS Feeds. RSS Feeds contain summaries of the latest updates on pre-selected TampaGov content. This automated feature provides convenience over manually checking pages. Feeds can be received on PCs, PDAs, cellular phones, and other electronic communication devices.
Subscribe to one or more of the City of Tampa's electronic newsletters, press releases, and event notifications. Emailed communications come with an "Unsubscribe" link for the option to be removed from the subscription list.
Tampa Area Locator Maps and Directions¶
Map and locate nearby public schools, parks, fire stations, hospitals, and other points of interest for a specific City of Tampa address. Limited information is available for addresses outside the city limits and within Hillsborough County. The service features quick maps to popular places, major points of interest, city and regional maps, and other mapping facilities offered by the City.
TampaGov Policies¶
Read the Accessibility Statement for information on TampaGov's efforts to ensure successful access to the site. The Conditions and Use identify copy restrictions, communicating with City officials, linking strategies, and more. The Privacy Policy conveys the procedures being followed in regard to personal information. The Security Policy outlines provisions used to ensure the protection of your private information, such as via online payments. The policies and conditions exemplify TampaGov's commitment to making the site useful and safe.
Traffic Advisory Maps¶
View locations of traffic incidents in the Traffic Advisory Map. A listing of traffic incidents within the last 24 hours is available and the page is updated every 15 minutes. Incidents include hit and runs; street obstructions; crashes; and signal outages.
Still Need Assistance?¶
Send us a message or call the City of Tampa Service and Information Desk at (813)274-8211.