Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

Newsletter Subscriptions

The City of Tampa distributes a variety of newsletters by email. You may subscribe by entering your email address and selecting the “Subscribe” button below each newsletter of interest. A confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address, and you must follow the instructions in that email to successfully complete the subscription process.

Newsletters will always include an Unsubscribe link. Please contact us with any comments or problems relating to newsletter subscriptions.

Email addresses are public records pursuant to Section 668.6076, Florida Statutes, and are not exempt from public records requirements.


Mayors Office

Mayor’s Tampa Weekly Newsletter

Be the first to know what is on Mayor Castor’s agenda, catch up on recent Tampa news, and see how you can get involved.


Accela Citizen Access

Updates and Downtime Notifications

Zoning & Development

Tampa CARES Newsletter

A monthly newsletter about petitions for rezoning, special use, variances, right-of-way vacating.


Housing News

Updates of new and existing programs, success stories from community members, and staff highlights to name a few of our hot topics. View the HCD News Corner

Updated: 11/20/2024