Police vehicles

Tampa Police Increase Neighborhood Patrols for Halloween

This information is 1 year 4 months old and may no longer be accurate.

The Tampa Police Department will have an increased presence in neighborhoods throughout the city for Halloween. Along with being in patrol cars, Tampa Police Officers will be patrolling on foot, bike, and horseback to ensure safety for all. Chief Bercaw will join officers on patrol in and around the Historic Ybor City area this evening. 

The Tampa Police Department is committed to keeping our residents safe during the Halloween holiday and asks that everyone follow safety tips while out trick-or-treating to help us make Tampa safer, together. Some safety tips include:

For Drivers: 
•    Slow down in residential areas and watch for children crossing streets. 
•    Do not pass stopped vehicles at crosswalks. 
•    Use caution when backing out of driveways or leaving garages. 

For Parents: 
•    Accompany young children while trick-or-treating. 
•    Make sure costumes are short enough to prevent tripping. 
•    Provide flashlights or glow sticks for visibility in dark areas. 

For Children: 
•    Stay on sidewalks and cross at designated crosswalks when possible.
•    Do not approach unlit houses or dark streets.
•    Carry a cell phone for emergency situations. 

For Pedestrians: 
•    Wear bright colors or reflective fabric for visibility in dark areas.  
•    Obey all traffic signals and signs when crossing streets.  

For Everyone:
•    See something? Say Something! Report suspicious activity to the Tampa Police Department by calling our non-emergency number, 813.231.6130; or dial 911 if it is an emergency.

For additional Halloween safety tips, visit our website at www.tampa.gov/police/halloween