One of Tampa's main Wastewater pump stations that went offline due to flooding caused by Hurricane Helene is back on.
The Krauss Pumping Station, located at 163 S Ashley Street, which processes every customer's wastewater, was repaired Friday afternoon. Swift working crews were able to dewater the facility and turn the systems back on well before nightfall.
Initially, the Bayshore Pumping Station was thought to have gone down as well. However, once crews were able to access the facility, they discovered it remained online through the storm.
Nevertheless, several Wastewater stations suffered severe flooding and crews continue to work to repair them. In the meantime, residents are urged to reduce water usage in order to alleviate the strain on Wastewater systems.
There is no risk of water consumption. Water from faucets and showers is safe to drink.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for storm-related updates by texting TAMPAREADY to 888-777. Text TAMPALISTA for alerts in Spanish.
Wastewater Pumping Stations Back Online
This information is 5 months 3 weeks old and may no longer be accurate.
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