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Sacred Heart Catholic Church's Bikes From the Heart to Giveaway 1500th Bicycle

This information is 1 month old and may no longer be accurate.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church has reached another major milestone and will be giving away their 1500th bicycle to a community member in need this Friday, February 21st as part of it's ongoing Bikes from the Heart ministry. It provides hope by collecting used bikes, refurbishing them to working order, and delivering them to those in need. The bicycle will be presented at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 507 North Florida Avenue at 10:30AM.

For many of our neighbors in Tampa struggling with poverty, getting access to community resources can be a daily challenge, especially if they don't have reliable or affordable transportation. It might seem small, but a bike can make a huge difference. It offers the transportation they need, independence, and connects them back to the resources in their community.

The recipient of the 1500th bicycle is Danielle Ritchie, an unhoused member of our community and current client of the Tampa Hope Homeless Shelter, a partnership initiative between the City of Tampa, the Diocese of St. Petersburg, and Catholic Charities, located in east Ybor. Ritchie has been a resident at Tampa Hope since early December 2024 and is poised to use the donated bike to continue her search for work, as well as attend medical office visits.

Bikes from the Heart is a volunteer program founded in 2023 by Sacred Heart parishioners Tim Eves and Tom Henry that operates out of the former convent on the church’s “North Campus” property, formerly Sacred Heart Academy (3515 N Florida Avenue). Used bicycles and parts are donated to BFTH by individuals, parishioners of Sacred Heart and other area churches, apartment and condominium complexes, and partners like WellBuilt Bikes or local law enforcement. Those bikes are then refurbished and given to recipients across Tampa Bay that are struggling with reliable transportation. The ministry has grown to employ more than a dozen regular volunteers and hopes to refurbish and redistribute at least 1000 bicycles each year.

Team members of the City of Tampa's Mobility Department will be on hand to show support for this important mission. The Mobility Department is committed to making our roadways safer for everyone, including bicyclists and pedestrians. Through projects like the expansion of the Green Spine Cycle Track, Quick Build road redesigns, the upcoming West Riverwalk, and others, the City is building miles of new bike lanes, improving crosswalks, and making Tampa an even more interconnected, walkable, safe, and bike-friendly city.

To volunteer or to apply for a bike, contact Bikes from the Heart co-founders Tim Eves and Tom Henry at:

Bike, part, and tool donations can be arranged here

(Donation pickup is currently unavailable. Donations can be delivered to BFTH at 3515 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

For more information: