Looking up at palm trees at Curtis Hixon Park

City of Tampa Department of Parks and Recreation Host Stay & Play for Spring Break

This information is 5 years old and may no longer be accurate.

This spring break, March 13th – March 21st, select recreation centers around the City of Tampa will hold extended hours. These extended hours will provide teens with free Rec Cards, which allows access to selected recreation centers, different programs to participate in, and a variety of educational events. Since the inception of our Stay & Play Program, over 327,681 teens have visited our various centers and pools.  Stay & Play aims to provide teens a place to be active, safe, and healthy. Food will be provided for free as well as transportation home when available from the Parks and Recreation Department.


Programs provided range from fitness classes, athletic training/leagues, arts, music production classes, computer classes, and many more.


The locations participating in Stay & Play this spring break that will remain open until midnight are:

  • Copeland Community Center
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
  • Jackson Heights Community Center
  • Springhill Community Center

For more information please call: 813-274-5132

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