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City of Tampa FREE Face Covering Pickup Locations

This information is 4 years 9 months old and may no longer be accurate.

In an effort to prioritize public safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Mayor Jane Castor has issued any executive order making it mandatory to use face coverings for all individuals in the City of Tampa while indoors and unable to maintain 6 ft of distance. Exceptions to this order (include children under the age of 2 and individuals with existing health conditions) can be found at tampagov.net/COVID-19

As of close of locations we’ve given out nearly 121,000 masks.


“The data is unquestionable: if we wear masks, we can stop the spread of this virus—that’s the bottom line,” said Mayor Jane Castor. “Our community is looking for leadership which is why we are putting this mandatory mask ordinance in effect to protect our citizens. If we wait, more people will get sick and more lives will be lost. This is an emergency and we have to act now.”


Free face covering pick-up will be available at the following locations from 8 AM -- 5 PM daily until further notice. 


Himes Ave. Complex  - 4501 S. Himes Ave

MacFarlane Park – 1700 N. MacDill Ave.

Al Barnes Park – 2902 N. 32nd St.

New Tampa Community Center 17302 Commerce Park Blvd 

**Note that Spring Hill has been removed**

***No ID required, limit to 2 per person in the vehicle***


Businesses can request to pick up the necessary quantities of face coverings for staff and customers by filling out this form.


View a special message from Mayor Jane Castor about this Executive Order here:  bit.ly/37M3xu9 


For more information and a tool-kit on this facial covering executive order please visit the tampagov.net/COVID-19.