The City of Tampa will light up Old City Hall, the Tampa Riverwalk, and Downtown Bridges in the colors of the rainbow on March 25, 2023, at sunset in honor of Tampa Pride.
The annual Tampa Pride Diversity Parade will take place on March 25, 2023, in historic Ybor City.
Once again, the parade will wind its way east from the corner of Nuccio Parkway and E. 7th Avenue, down E 7th Avenue to N. 20th Street, where it will turn north to disperse. The parade will kick off at 4:00 pm.
"Tampa Pride is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and celebrate diversity and inclusivity,” Mayor Jane Castor said. “We are proud to light up the city in the colors of the rainbow as a reminder that we stand with our LGBT neighbors and friends in the fight for equality and acceptance."
For more information about Tampa Pride, please visit their website at .
City of Tampa to Light Up in Rainbow Colors in Honor of Tampa Pride
This information is 1 year 11 months old and may no longer be accurate.
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