Turning in tampa

City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department Recognizes Lydia Mones on Her Centennial Birthday

This information is 4 years 4 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Who: Mayor Jane Castor;  Interim Parks & Recreation Director; Sherisha Hills, and other Departmental Team Members
What: Tampa resident, Lydia Mones will celebrate turning 100 years old on Wednesday, October 21st.  Lydia is a member of the Loretta Ingraham Pool Aqua Exercise Class and she along with family members and her classmates will have a birthday celebration on the pool deck.  Lydia was born and raised in Tampa and after marrying her late husband Manual, they raised their son and daughter here.  Lydia worked for over 30 years for the Villazon Cigar Factory.  Her husband enjoyed playing golf and although Lydia never played, she did enjoy being a golfer’s wife and watches it still today.  Lydia is well known for her kindness and generosity.  She has six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.  Lydia has seen many changes of the last 100 years in our City and the Tampa community is most appreciative of her contributions over the century.

When: Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 at 9:30 am

Where: Lorette Ingraham Community Center Pool, 1611 N. Hubert Avenue, Tampa, Florida