Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

City of Tampa Utilities Response to COVID-19

This information is 5 years old and may no longer be accurate.

The City of Tampa utility departments—consisting of Solid Waste, Wastewater, and the Water Departments—fully appreciate the role we play in ensuring the continued public health of our customers. Ensuring the safety of our customers and employees is our top priority. 


To address the concerns evoked by the coronavirus pandemic, we have implemented a series of protocols designed to prevent the spread of the virus and help ensure that our employees and customers remain safe from harm. These changes will remain in effect until further notice.


Solid Waste


Although the Solid Waste Department expects to continue regularly scheduled operations, we have developed a series of contingency plans to ensure that essential solid waste collections remain in effect. To this end, we have taken steps to identify alternate solutions to back up our collection services if the need for additional support arises.


Wastewater Department


The Wastewater Department will continue to provide services to our customers. The Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP) is a 24/7 operation and there are no plans to deviate from our regularly scheduled work hours. In an effort to limit exposure between person-to-person contact during the next four (4) weeks we have initiated these protocols:


• Cancellation of face-to-face meetings with sales representatives

• Cancellation of all contracted training on and off-site

• Contact with all current AWTP contractors will be completed by phone or email.


Water Department


The Water Department remains committed to ensuring that our customers have access to high quality, safe drinking water. All drinking water treatment operations will continue on a 24/7 basis.


We have adjusted our staffing schedules also to ensure that our technicians can continue to manage every aspect of our water distribution system, from reading water meters to repairing damaged valves, service lines and water mains throughout our service area. Our customer service center will also continue to provide round-the-clock customer support by phone and online. 


To limit potential exposure to the virus, we have implemented the following changes to our operations. These changes will remain in effect for the foreseeable future:


• Cancellation of all in-person home water audits associated with the Customer Assistance Program (CAP). Customers previously accepted into CAP will retain their approved status during this period.


Protecting public health and our staff are our highest priorities. Our staff will continue to practice safe work practices as they complete their day-to-day work responsibilities while providing the community with continued reliable water, wastewater, and solid waste services.


For more information, please go to tampagov.net/covid-19 text TAMPAREADY/TAMPALISTA/TAMPABIZ to 888-777 for up to date information as this evolves.