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City of Tampa will Host Bridges to Business Subcontractor Outreach Event

This information is 5 years old and may no longer be accurate.

As part of Mayor Castor's Bridges to Business Program, the City of Tampa will host a subcontractor outreach event geared towards connecting subcontractors with prime contractors for the City of Tampa's major infrastructure projects. All construction subcontractors are urged to attend. Minority, women-owned, or small businesses interested in becoming certified with the City of Tampa are also encouraged to attend. The event will take place Thursday, March 12, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Tampa River Center at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park located at 402 West Laurel Street. Register at


“The City of Tampa is at a critical time and we’re making a historic and unprecedented investments in our infrastructure as we implement the stormwater project, plan for the future of Tampa’s transportation system, and begin our $2.9 billion P.I.P.E.S. project,” said Mayor Jane Castor. “With great growth comes a great responsibility to ensure we diversify the way we do business and uplift all of the great subcontractors here in the City of Tampa as well as the region. Through this outreach event and a host of others, we are aggressively encouraging our prime contractors to provide opportunities to our smaller subcontractors.”


WHO: City of Tampa staff, prime- contractors, subcontractors


WHAT: Bridges to Business Subcontractor Outreach Event


WHERE: Tampa River Center at 402 West Laurel Street, Tampa FL 33602


WHEN: Thursday, March 12, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.