Looking up at palm trees at Curtis Hixon Park

Franklin St and Zack Street Traffic Signal will be converted to a four-way stop.

This information is 2 years 6 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Franklin & Zack Street Signal Will Be Converted to Four-Way Stop
This will prioritize pedestrian crossings

The City of Tampa’s Mobility Department will convert the intersection of N Franklin St and E Zack St into a four-way stop on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Transitioning to a four-way stop prioritizes access for pedestrians.

All drivers will be expected to stop before proceeding and pedestrians will no longer have to wait for a walk signal.

Brandon Campbell, City of Tampa Smart Mobility Manager, found that traffic volumes are already low at this intersection, so a four-way stop conversion made sense. Recent traffic counts reveal that there are more people walking, scooting, and biking than driving on Franklin Street.

“This is an opportunity to consider the best traffic control for the current conditions," Campbell said. "In this case, we reviewed traffic volumes, worked with area stakeholders, and determined a signal is no longer needed."

The current signal structure is at the end of its service life and will remain in place during a transition period. During this time, the signals will flash red, and stop signs will be installed.

“The City has been a great partner in our Franklin Street Vision Plan," said Karen Kress, Director of Transportation and Planning at the Tampa Downtown Partnership. "Stakeholders reiterated how important safety is to them while strolling the historic street,”

After the transition period, the signal structure will be removed, leaving the stop signs in place.