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Little Free Libraries now in five City of Tampa Parks

This information is 2 years 9 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Councilwoman Lynn Hurtak with OSHNA and community leaders with one of the newest Little Free Libraries in Alan Wright Park.

New Little Free Libraries Installed in Five City of Tampa Parks in Old Seminole Heights

There are now Little Free Libraries in five City of Tampa Parks, located within the boundaries of Old Seminole Heights, thanks to a Hillsborough County 2022 Neighborhood Mini Grant. The grant was awarded to the Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association (OSHNA).

Councilman Guido Maniscalco assisted with the installation of one of the five Little Free Libraries at the Wayne C. Papy Center at American Legion Park, and Councilwoman Lynn Hurtak assisted with the installation of another Little Free Library at Alan Wright Park on May 18.

The Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association (OSHNA) exists to promote and encourage the preservation and restoration of the area known as Seminole Heights while revitalizing a sense of community in a safe and healthy residential neighborhood.  https://www.oldseminoleheights.org.

Councilman Guido Maniscalco after dedicating the newest Little Free Library at American Legion Park.
Newly-appointed OSHNA Vice President Alyssa Getzoff, OSHNA Trustee, led this project and initiated the grant request.  The libraries are a composite two-story blue Little Free Library and were installed using an exterior-grade wood post with topper.  The five libraries were installed at Angus Goss Park, Riverview Terrace Park, McDugald Park, Wayne C. Papy Center at American Legion Park and Alan Wright Park.

OSHNA has partnered with another civic group, Friends of the Seminole Heights Library, who have donated 10 books for each library to serve as starter materials.  The libraries are intended to encourage reading and ease of access to books for a larger portion of city residents.

Little Free Library is the world's largest book-sharing movement.  These five libraries will be added to the global map:  https://littlefreelibrary.org/


Tim Keeports, President

Jessica Serre
Projects & Services Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department
c: (813)450-5225 / e: Jessica.Serre@tampagov.net