Looking up at palm trees at Curtis Hixon Park

Mayor Jane Castor Echoes Call to Designate $250 Billion of Relief Package for Cities to Fight Coronavirus and Bolster City of Tampa Families and Businesses

This information is 5 years old and may no longer be accurate.

Mayor Jane Castor is adding her voice to a call by the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) to ensure that resources flow directly to American cities in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As Washington prepares a response package, American mayors are seeking $250 billion in localized resources to support local action to fight the virus and protect families and local businesses from the economic fallout.


The USCM letter can be found online, including proposed uses of federal funds. In calling for these resources, Mayor Jane Castor released the following statement:


“The nation's mayors are working hard to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19, and we are counting on our partners at the federal government to ensure that our communities have the resources that we need to protect both the health of our residents and our local economies.


“That is why this group of bipartisan mayors is asking congressional leaders to pass an aid package that reflects the scope of the challenges that we are facing. In Tampa, we are working around the clock every day to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Tampa’s resident’s during this crisis.”