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Storm Drain Painted Inlets Program Public Mural Project Designed for Water Quality Awareness

This information is 4 years 9 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Many people believe storm drains connect to sewer treatment systems -- but they don't.  In fact, most of the runoff in the City discharges directly into the Hillsborough River or the bays without receiving any treatment to filter out pollutants.  Therefore, whatever enters the drain is ultimately discharged into a neighboring body of water.  One way to help protect water quality is by marking the storm drains with plaques stenciled with environmental messages, and highlighting those plaques with creative murals. 


The South Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association, in partnership with the City of Tampa, has commissioned nine artists to install murals on nine Stormwater inlets.  With a total of thirteen Stormwater inlet murals, the Association has dubbed the pathway connecting the inlets the “Art Trail.”  Painting will begin at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 9th and conclude on Sunday, May 10th in the following locations, and artists for each location are also listed:


For more information, contact Vik Bhide at (813) 363-4651 or vik.bhide@tampagov.net.