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Tampa’s Water Use Restrictions Change Effective May 12

This information is 4 years 10 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Due to lower than normal rainfall, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) has declared a Phase I Water Shortage for the Tampa Bay region. This declaration applies to all Tampa Water Department customers. This Phase I Water Shortage declaration is effective as of May 12, 2020 and continues through July 1, 2020.


“Although we are seeing some rain after a lengthy dry period, as we move toward the end of our dry season, our river levels continue to be below comfortable levels to support regional water demands,” said Chuck Weber, Tampa Water Department director. “At this time, we ask all our customers to increase the efficiency of their water use wherever possible. Taking this preventive step can help us continue to meet our local and regional water demands without adding more stress to our water sources.”


The District order prohibits all wasteful and unnecessary water usage—such as hosing down driveways, allowing water to flow unattended or using water in a grossly inefficient manner. The water management district has advised that as the Tampa Bay region moves further into its usual dry season (which runs from October through May), more aggressive water shortage actions may become necessary.


Tampa residents are permitted to water their lawns twice a week. The irrigation schedule is as follows:


  • At addresses ending in 0, 1, 2 or 3: Mondays and Thursdays
  • At addresses ending in 4, 5, or 6: Tuesdays and Fridays
  • At addresses ending in 7, 8  or 9: Wednesdays and Saturdays
  • At locations with no address (common areas, entry areas), and locations with mixed addresses (office complexes, shopping centers): Wednesdays and Saturdays

Tampa residents are encouraged to review their irrigation practices and to check to ensure that their irrigation system includes a properly functioning rain-sensing device. Materials and information available to assist customers with identifying leaks, improving the efficiency of their irrigation system and calculating their water use are online at tampagov.net/SaveWater.

For additional information, contact:

Chuck Weber, P.E., Water Department Director

Office: (813) 274-8663

Cell: (813) 480-3159

Fax: (813) 231-1325
