Tampa Convention Center at night

Tampa Convention Center Clients Donate Supplies to Schools

This information is 2 years 2 months old and may no longer be accurate.

By Kirstin Albert, Communications Coordinator - Tampa Convention Center

Tampa Convention Center is helping teachers and students in need in Hillsborough County Public Schools, by linking them with unused supplies from events. This illustrates the center’s commitment to sustainability, as recycling these materials prevents them from being sent to a landfill. It also showcases the generosity of clients who bring events to the Tampa Convention Center.

During the event planning process, Tampa Convention Center encourages clients to donate items when their event is over. This not only benefits schools that need supplies but also the client because they can avoid paying shipping or transportation costs to relocate the items.

These items include tables. chairs, bags, and office supplies like pens, paper, and notebooks.

Click here if you’re interested in donating items to Teaching Tools. 

Donated items are taken to the Hillsborough Education Foundation’s Teaching Tools Resource Center. The center allows teachers from Hillsborough County Title I schools, or schools with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families, to shop for free, much-needed supplies.

To learn more about the Teaching Tools Resource Center, click here.