Police vehicles


This information is 4 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

During the month of October, the Tampa Police Department will be accepting applications for the Police Recruit Scholarship Program.

The Tampa Police Department seeks the best possible candidates to become police officers with our agency. The department wants to invest in those who have an interest in law enforcement and have no prior law enforcement certification. In order to attract the best qualified candidates, the department developed the Police Recruit Scholarship Program. Those selected for this program will be enrolled in the local Police Academy.

The City of Tampa will provide funding for their tuition, uniforms, books, and equipment. These students are hired as “Police Cadets” and are full-time civilian employees of the City who are paid an hourly wage of $19.50/hour and provided with full benefits while they attend the academy.

“Providing an hourly wage and benefits to these Police Cadets allows them to focus entirely on their education in the Police Academy without the added pressure of employment from other means”, said Chief Brian Dugan.  

The Police Recruit Scholarship Program is now open for qualified applicants. The application period opened on October 1 and closes on October 31, 2020.

To learn more about the scholarship minimum qualifications, and to apply, go to www.tampagov.net/PoliceRecruit

Video available: https://youtu.be/SAXM6ovU8Vk