Police vehicles


This information is 4 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Within 22 minutes of being notified that an armed carjacking suspect may be in the city, the teamwork of dispatchers, officers on the ground, and officers in the air, quickly led to the suspect being located and apprehended.

Incident Date/Time:  9/20/2020 at 11:20 PM 

Arrest Location:  2300 block N. Nebraska Ave

Incident Type:  Assist Other Jurisdiction/Armed Carjacking/Armed Kidnapping

Suspect Arrested:  Deshawn A. Newland, (03/30/1995); 9420 Greystone Rd Unit A. Thonotosassa, FL.

Carjacked Vehicle:  Red 2011 Kia Sorento

Video available: https://youtu.be/HE7MqRNPjYY

Details:  On 09/20/2020 at approximately 11:20 PM, Tampa Police received a call from Bartow Police Department regarding a Red Kia Sorento that was carjacked earlier in Lakeland. The victim's three children (aged 2-6 years old) were in the vehicle at the time of the carjacking and released several blocks down the street. The Kia was believed to be near the 1200 block of E. 18th Ave, in Tampa.

While circulating the area, officers observed the vehicle traveling westbound on Floribraska Ave, towards N. Nebraska Ave, and maintained surveillance of the vehicle until Air Service was able to monitor safely from above. They observed the vehicle park at the Sunoco gas station in the 2300 block of N Nebraska Ave., where Newland exited the driver seat. Street officers quickly converged on the location and took Newland into custody without incident.

Newland was transported to Orient Road Jail.